< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/PiG Ops >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/PiG Ops

Matlab files in this directory:

 ankleoffsetPiG_datadata = ankleoffsetPiG_data(data,sdata) adds the Plantarflexion and Rotation offset
 bmech_hipjointcentrePiGbmech_hipjointcentrePiG(fld) is a batch process function to compute left
 bmech_jointcentrePiGBMECH_JOINTCENTREPIG(fld,joints) is a batch process function to compute left
 bmech_kinematicsBMECH_KINEMATICS(fld,settings) is a batch process function to compute lower-limb
 chordPiGjc = CHORDPIG(a,b,c,delta) computes knee and ankle joint centres
 comparePiGCOMPAREPIG(data,segment,mO,mA,mL,mP) is used to check outputs of
 getDir[data,dir] = GETDIR(data,ch) determines the global axis and direction of
 getGlobalCoord[O,A,L,P] = GETGLOBALCOORD(data,O,A,L,P,segment,boneLength,test) moves
 getbones_data[bone,jnt,data] = GETBONES_DATA(data) retrieves bone information from data struct and creates
 hipjointcentrePiG_datadata = HIPJOINTCENTREPIG_DATA(data,test) computes left and right hip joint centers for
 jointcentrePiG_datadata = JOINTCENTREPIG_DATA(data,joint) returns knee, or anke joint centre
 jointcentreStiefDynamic_datadata = jointcentreStiefDynamic_data(data,joint,mkr_lat,vecStatic)
 jointcentreStiefStatic_data[data,vecStatic] = jointcentreStiefStatic_data(data,joint,mkr_lat,mkr_med)
 jointwidthPiG_data[data,rKW,lKW,rAW,lAW] = JOINTWIDTHPIG_DATA(data,markerDiam) computes
 kinematicsPiG_datadata = KINEMATICSPIG_DATA(data,settings) computes global pelvis and lower-limb
 kinematics_datadata = KINEMATICS_DATA(data,settings) computes global and lower-limb
 makebonesDATA = MAKEBONES(data) creates segment 'bones' for use in vicon2groodsuntay or for
 makebones_dataDATA = MAKEBONES_DATA(data,type,foot_flat,test) creates segment 'bones' for use in kinematic /
 pelvisOrientationGetPelvisOrientation determines the turn angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration

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